Product Availability
Here at Zodee we carry a large amount of stock but as we are reliant on our suppliers for replenishment there may be a short delay when despatching your ordered product. Product availability is stated in the drop down size menu.
- In Stock - This indicates that the items in your shopping bag are in stock and orders received before 1pm Monday to Friday will be despatched the same day. Orders placed after 1pm will be despatched on the next working day.
- Available - This indicates that the item in your shopping bag is currently not in stock but we will despatch once we have received it from our suppliers. You will see under the selected size the approximate number of working days until these items will be obtained from our supplier.
- Limited Stock - the item/items are in stock but once sold, they will not return as stock is strictly limited. Items are ready to be despatched the same day for orders received before 1pm Monday to Friday will be despatched the same day. Orders placed after 1pm will be despatched on the next working day.
- Temporarily Unavailable - This indicates that the garment is currently unavailable but will come back into stock in the future. If you would like to know exactly when it will be available, please email [email protected]
- Sold Out - This indicates that the item has sold out in specified size/colour and is not coming back into stock. This is common with fashion items or colours which have limited availability. Try to select another colour or size.
Your estimated despatch date is calculated based on the item that will take longest to arrive at our warehouse from suppliers. Whilst we endeavour to despatch your items on or before this despatch date, we cannot offer any guarantee and this is only an estimate. Please contact customer service for more information.
On rare occasions items displayed as being available have sold out or are discontinued. In the event of an item being unavailable, we will let you know by email and you may be given the opportunity to select something else or cancel the order or item. In some cases, in order to save time, we will just remove the unavailable items and refund for those not being sent.
In the event that an item ordered is out of stock and due to be despatched outside the number of days quoted, we will contact you and give you the opportunity to change this item, remove the item or to place the item on back-order. Back-ordered items will be despatched to you at no extra delivery charge and you will not be charged until the item is available.
If you require any additional information or help don't hesitate to contact us on 1300 855 999 or email us at [email protected].